Website's Newsletter
January 2008
Dear Members,
Please find below the summary of the last articles published on the AICA’s website.
Estimados/as Miembros,
Aqui les communicamos el sumario de los ъltimos artнculos publicados en el sitio web de la AICA.
Chers/ Chиres Membres,
Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le sommaire des derniers articles publiés sur le site de l’AICA.
Association/ Asociaciуn/ Association
Organisation / Organizaciуn / Organisation
- Organisation Chart :
National Sections/ Secciones Nacionales/ Sections nationales
List of Presidents
National Sections – Full Contact Details
- AICA Hong-Kong :
- AICA Macedonia :
- AICA Macedonia Website :
- AICA Singapore :
- AICA Spain :
Congresses/ Congresos/ Congrиs
AICA Australia has informed us that, due to economical and technical reasons, the 4nd congress will not take place in this country, as planned.
According to the Statutes, the AICA Bureau will organize the Board Council and the General Assembly, but certainly not before October/November 2008. Members will be kept informed of these changes in this website, or through their President’s mails and newsletters, after the Board Meeting taking place in Paris on March 15th.
We apologize for this news and send our regards to all of you.
Upcoming Congress/ Prуximos congresos/ Prochain congrиs
- XLII AICA CONGRESS – Australia 2008 :
International Events/ Acontecimientos internacionales/ Evйnements internationaux
Upcoming Events / Acontecimientos prуximos / Prochains йvиnements
- EEYA/ No Borders, New Website :
- EEYA/ No Borders, Opening in Bruxelles :
Other News and notes / Otras Notas y noticias / Autres notes et informations
Upcoming Events / Acontecimientos prуximos / Evйnements а venir
- INHA, Rencontre avec Frank Popper :
Members' area/ Acceso miembros/ Accиs Membres
Standart Aica Documents / Documentos standart de la AICA / Documents standart de l’AICA
Life of the Association / Vida de la asociaciуn / Vie de l’association
- Agenda Board Meeting – March 2008 :