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Париж. Конгресс Международной ассоциации художественных критиков (AICA).

Website’s Newsletter

April 2006

Dear Members,

Please find below the summary of the last articles published on the AICA’s website.

Thank you also to notice that you can propose your papers for the upcoming congress before 30 April 2006.

Estimados/as Miembros,

Aqui les communicamos el sumario de los ъltimos artнculos publicados en el sitio web de la AICA.

Por otra parte, gracias por tener en cuenta que pueden proposer su communicaciуn para nuestro

proxнmo congreso antes del 30 de Abril 2006.

Chers/ Chиres Membres,

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le sommaire des derniers articles publiйs sur le site de l’AICA.

D’autre part, merci de noter que vous pouvez proposer vos communications pour le prochain

congrиs avant le 30 avril 2006.

Association/ Asociaciуn/ Association

Administrative Council, 4 March 2006

- Portfolio : http://www.aica-int.org/article.php3?id_article=15

National Sections/ Secciones Nacionales/ Sections nationales

Short News

- Kim Levin - Notes and Itineraries 1976-2004 : http://www.aica-int.org/article.php3?id_article=236

AICA United-Kingdom

- Denis Bowen, honorary AICA UK member, dies : http://www.aicaint.


- Bernard Denvir AICA Memorial Award for Art Critics : http://www.aicaint.


 AICA Press

Translation in French and Spanish of the before recorded articles in English.

AICA Slovak Republic

- Publication of two books by the Slovak section : http://www.aica-int.org/article.php3?id_article=76

Congress/ Congreso/ Congrиs

AICA Congress 2006 : Critical Evaluation Reloaded

- Call for papers : http://www.aica-int.org/article.php3?id_article=346 (Eng, Esp, Fre)

- Presentation : http://www.aica-int.org/article.php3?id_article=237 (Eng, Esp, Fre)

International Events/ Acontecimientos internacionales/ Evйnements internationaux

Art criticism and curatorial practices in marginal contexts, Addis Ababa

- Report & Portfolio : http://www.aica-int.org/article.php3?id_article=345